Young Cell Scheme
The Team

Dr. Nikos S. Panagiotou, Senior Expert. Nikos is Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Media Communication, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has been a DAAD Scholar at Deutsche Welle, Chevening Scholar of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office UK, RCAP Scholar from APU University Japan, Scholar to Beijing Foreign Studies University, Scholar at Sabanci University (Turkey) and Scholar of the State of Luxembourg. He has extensive research work which has been funded by Google (DNI Initiative fund). He is the initiator and organizer of Thessaloniki International Media Summer Academy and is in charge of Digital Communication Network Global and Director of Peace Journalism Lab School of Journalism and Mass Media Communication, Aristotle University. He has a track record research and project work regarding disinformation, Fake News Hunters, Refugees against disinformation, etc.
Nikolaos has extensive international experience spanning over the past eleven years in the fields of politics and migration management. Work experience in the Greek Mission to the EU in Brussels gave Nikolaos the opportunity to collaborate with various EU bodies and institutions. This was followed by a stage at the Embassy of Greece in Tokyo, Japan. After returning to Greece, Nikolaos worked as a Junior Researcher for a UN University project on migration and then moved to field operations and management. He was among the first coordinators through the International Organization for Migration (IOM-UN) to handle migration flows to Greece and later worked in the capacity building and training of the Greek authorities. He has worked with various organizations, including the Norwegian Capacity/Norwegian Refugee Council (NORCAP/NRC), the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). Nikolaos participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program of the U.S. Department of State in Washington, Arizona, and Minnesota.

Erasmia Tsipou is a Ph.D. Candidate Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Department of Journalism and Mass Media, MSc in Communication and Culture (AUTH), BA in Humanitarian Studies, Hellenic Civilization from the Open University of Cyprus and a BA in Business Administration from American College of Thessaloniki. 20+ years of working experience in Mass Media: Communication Director: AtlasTV, Administrative Officer: Pegasus Media Group (“Ethnos” Newspaper), Editor: , PR Executive: Newspaper “Agelioforos”. She is also a TV presenter/producer and Radio producer. She is a Certified Adult Trainer (Lifelong Learning) and Senior Researcher in Peace Journalism Laboratory, Board Member DCN Global network, Team Leader at Fake News Hunters project, she has also published scientific papers.

Christos Frangonikolopoulos is Professor of International Relations and Mass Communications and Chair of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Aristotle University. He studied Politics and Government (BA Honors) and International Relations (PhD) at the University of Kent at Canterbury (England). He was Jean Monnet Chair on European Integration (2016-19) and currently Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Public Diplomacy (2020-23), and Director of the MA in Digital Media, Communication and Journalism (2018-2022).
He has published articles on NGOs, Transnational Celebrity Activism, Foreign Policy and the Media, Peace Journalism, and Public Diplomacy in scholarly journals such as Global Society, The Round Table, Nordicom, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Diplomacy and Statecraft, Bridges, Global Discourse, New Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Journalism, Journalism Practice, Journal of Media Critiques, Global Media Journal, International
Academia Bio/p>

Dimitris Milosis is a financial officer in the YCS project. His studies include a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, and two postgraduate degrees: An MSc Electronics for Telecommunications and an MBA. He has a 24 years’ experience in managing research projects in collaboration with labs in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Alexander Innovation Zone etc. The majority of the projects were related to national and regional development policies and strategies, formulation of innovation policies and strategies in administration, exploitation of academic research and start-up ecosystems support policies. He is member of the technical staff in the School of Political Sciences in Aristotle University.
Kostas Pagalos is a special technical staff in the Department of French Language & Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is a graduate of the Department of Informatics, ATEI Thessaloniki. He works with the development, design and support of the Department's IT and websites and maintenance. He has extensive experience in managing project financial activities and he is currently the financial officer of the YCS Round XIII-XV and the Department of French Language & Philology. He is the manager of the Apollonis AUTH Repository.
Violeta is a Kosovan national with a vast experience in EU-funded projects, where she works since 2004. In quality of Office Manager she has been involved in all Rounds of the Young Cell Scheme.
With over a decade of experience as a Project Officer, I am adept in strategic program planning, organisation, and delivering objectives to an excellent standard. My experience has consolidated my skills in problem-solving, project administration and communication, as well as providing me with a detailed handle on funding and financial management. I am proficient in four languages and I have been able to utilise this skill through my extensive work with various programmes within the British Council. Additionally, my involvement in the 21st Century Schools Programme, EU scheme for Young Professional's in Western Balkan and Young Cell Scheme has given me the opportunity to develop a strong knowledge and passion for communal and social matters.
Fitim is a Kosovan national with a vast experience in EU funded projects where he works since 2005, the capacity of logistics manager and assistant to the Team Leader he has been involved in most Rounds of the Young Cell Scheme.